About Industria™
Industria Polymer strips
Industria™ a proprietary Matte Black polymer that when affixed to your glass around the edges including varying sized square patterns, give the impression of a hard edged French
Industrial window.
Tile Ceiling Application: Industria™. When your glass goes to a tiled ceiling and includes the Industria proprietary strips and nothing else, the strips are custom fit and glued to the face of the glass. There is nothing on the inside making cleaning a breeze! No mold or mildew will be introduced because the strips are only on the outside.
Drywall Ceiling Application: Industria™. When your glass goes to a drywall ceiling, D&M installs an aluminum Matte Black channel which affixes to the drywall ceiling for strength. The channel is also used so that we can comply to Ontario building code standards. Once the channel is installed to the drywall ceiling, our proprietary strips are then custom fitted and glued to the face of the glass. As with the Tile Ceiling application, there is nothing on the inside which makes cleaning effortless with no risk or mold or mildew.
Header Application: In some cases installing your glass to the ceiling is not do-able, for structural reasons (ie 10 ft ceilings, or angled ceilings etc..) or sometimes customers just want to achieve that "clean line across the top not going to the ceiling" look. In cases like this a Header System is the answer.
Regardless of application, Industria™ strips are completely customizable. We can do any pattern as well as any thickness of strip!
Give us a call at 416-820-0210 or send us an Email.